Saturday, July 18, 2009

Skype on the Apple Ipod Touch

I have had the skype program on my computer for a few years. I didn't use it in a while because I have a voip business phone and the sound quality on that was much better.
When I started checking out the apps, I realized that the Ipod Touch 2nd generation had a mic application built in unlike the previous version. So I thought I would give it a try.
I ordered some eom headset with built in mics from Ebay. Of course, they were sent out from Hong Kong. I received them today, and plugged them in and nothing.
I talked and left voicemail messages and was disappointed. I started reading the forums to see if there were mods or apps I needed to install to get the mic to work. My wife asked me what I was doing and I explained it to her. She asked if I had the volume on? DOHHHHHH
I tried the skype program again with the volume up and viola, it worked. I love being married to someone smarter than me. LOL.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Basic web surfing capabilities

I am still very happy with my purchase on this Apple Ipod Touch. The basic apps that come with it are very useful.

Apple iPod Touch 8GB $214.99

The main apps that are probably often used are YouTube, Maps, Mail and Weather. I have used those applications everyday so far. Yeah I know less than 3 days only, but still I am not bored with it.

I did download some free apps. They are actually games and my wife chose them. They are fun and I will talk more about them in later posts. Anyways, have a great weekend. Cheers!

Excellent Apple Ipod Touch commercial

Apple iPod Touch 8GB $214.99

This Apple Ipod Touch commercial made me want to get one.

I haven't done everything this commercial does, but I have done quite alot in the time that I have owned it. This Apple Ipod touch is literally a computer and can do most things a laptop can do.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My 1st Apple Ipod Touch humble beginnings

Yes, I have recently purchased one of those new Apple Nerd Gizmos and I am impressed to say the least. I didn't think I could really get excited over any of these computers or gadgets out there any more, but this one has definitely caught my interest.
Here are my first pictures of my new toy, I mean new computer gadget.

One of the first things I noticed is how thin and sleek it looks and feels in my hand. Very solid construction as opposed to my netbook which seems mostly made of plastic. Don't get me wrong, I like my netbook and it serves its purpose, but I think this would have been a more smarter purchase at the time.

This is a picture of my main blog and you can see it is very sharp and clear even in its tiny screen size. The zoom function is excellent on this. It is completely customizable to the size you like.

Even though I have only had it for 24 hours, I am extremely satisfied with this purchase. I have downloaded a couple of free apps, surfed the internet, checked email, and watched a few youtube videos on it. The battery life is about 6 hours.

The only negative thing is the oily screen and numerous fingerprints from all the finger touching you have to do on the screen.

Currently, I am on the hunt for a case to house and protect my toy, I have already ordered a headset so I can use my Skype on this device, and will probably purchase a stylus because typing on the tiny keyboard is challenging and I am prone to making a ton of errors.