Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ipod and Netflix = Phoneflix

This new free application Phoneflix I downloaded makes it convenient to manage my netflix queue. No, I still can't watch streaming netflix movies yet on my Ipod Touch, but I am sure it will eventually happen.

I found a video of the app on a different device but it works identical. Funny, the youtube video is OK, but the guy needs to sound more normal than a robot.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Learning more about what my 1st apple ipod touch can do

I literally use my 1st apple ipod touch everyday multiple times of the day. Surprisingly enough I use it most now as an mp3 player which is what it initially started out as to be. My wife downloaded a great 1 hour meditation song for me that I use to fall asleep to. It is some slow melody with rain noise in the background. We got it free from Amazon with their free 3 mp3 offer for black Friday.

I actually like to use my ipod touch to browse my netflix queue and wish I could play movies on it. I looked it up on the Internet to see if they have plans to enable the devise, and I guess rumor has it that it will one day. The main problem is the operating system and platform won't support it yet.

While doing this search I did find this other site to help me get more knowledgeable about my gadget. Check it out and I hope you find if useful too.